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Velocity Tactical

Who Are We and Where Did We Come From?

Image by Denny Ryanto
Image by Denny Ryanto

Our Vision

          In broad terms, the vision of Velocity Tactical has three tiers. The first tier is an ever-growing knowledge base. We seek to find experts in different areas of emergency preparedness and compile their wisdom here. Topics such as food and water storage, medical, self defense, security, and communication will be discussed and made accessible to those looking to be better prepared for whatever may come in the future.

          The second tier is equipment. This is where you will find, not only our branded clothing and items, but also the equipment recommended by those who know best. We will take what we learn from the experts and find the items that are both high quality and cost effective.

          The third tier was formed based on the realization that both knowledge and resources are often limited. Nobody can be an expert on every aspect of emergency preparedness and most of us simply do not have the financial resources to acquire "all the things." For this reason the third tier will be centered around networking. The plan is to form an online community which, in turn, will help like minded people find others in their area so that in the event of an emergency there are others we can turn to. "No man is an island" and in an emergency the ability to act quickly and effectively makes a world of difference.  

Our Mission

          The current mission here at Velocity Tactical is simply to focus on the basics. This includes continuing to improve and refine our website and releasing more branded items to aide in getting our name out to the public. The hope is to use only the branded items to fund future growth of the company and launch the other missions we have planned for the future. We are very excited about future missions at Velocity Tactical and we hope you can join us on this journey to better prepare for emergencies and improve our communities.

Image by Axel Holen
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